pg. 73
Things that I do not see
when I close my eyes,
drawn crudely.
Evidence of touching to feel comfort,
things that I did not see
when my eyes were closed.
pg. 75
breath —> light : gesture —> voice.
draw to shape sound. The sound is the feedback from my voice. Three/four tension points
-true voice
-feedback “voice”
-physical visuals created (ie lines)
-physical gesture used to create lines/manipulated voice/feedback
An instrument.
Performance requires execution or criteria for execution.
How does gesture effect the voice without supplementary technology?
Will the voice still be [like] a line?
More interested in other people right now.
pgs. 78 – 83 are coved in an earlier post, Shower Thoughts
pg. 85
The animal in the machine
The human – the monkey
The machine – the animal – the sublime – the unknowable beyond
-The animal is at his best when the machine functions properly.
-A healthy mobile body
-The movement of the body to construct the mind
-The animal needs to maintain the machine, but sometimes doesn’t (probably causing psychotic behaviour on a large scale – society out of balance.)
-The animal as a seeking being — that imagines what is possible and tries to do it — is human. The animal in awe of the sublime is human.
-The seeking animal within a functional machine may know more/experience more of the unknowable — the beyond yourself.
-Between the animal and the sublime on that spectrum lives our best self
-The unknowable reveals itself to the seeking animal
-We gained the ability to see the unknowable at the symbolic revolution. An effect of which is also detachment by way of language.
-The ability to analyze the thing insulates us from the thing while in that “mode”.
-Aware of experiences I would normally not be aware of without language but the language creates a buffer around that first contact “feeling”
pg. 86
The machine isn’t just a healthy body. It is the processes of the mind–those that are in place for survival–also functioning properly. The machine also includes your instincts and automatic mental processes.
The animal appreciates the functions of the machine. All the joy of having a stupid monkey brain. Sometimes just the animal being.
Animal being.
I can’t experience everything
I am experiencing all I can
I need to be open, and learn how to be open to new experiences
-Machine functioning
-Animal being
-Human seeking
-Sublime transmitting
I need to know/remember that other people may not be “I” but they are me out “there”, where I stick my arm out.
pg. 88 – 89
Fiction vs. Non-fiction

pg. 90 – 91
We make ourselves relevant by making each other relevant